Thursday, July 26, 2012

[Review] Spine Chilling Breeze - Milky Way

Looking at "Milky Way" cover you'll probably think that we're dealing with a trance album or something like that. But Spine Chilling Breeze are far away from this kind of stuff... Looking better, you'll see a bunch of sheep, worthy representatives of our milky way. However I'd like the shepherd to be included too in order to fulfill my surrealistic, pastoral appetite.

So five months after the release of their two-track promo, Spine Chilling Breeze are back with their debut as promised.

Spine Chilling Breeze were formed in Thessaloniki and they're together as a band a little more than a year. But it was enough time for them in order to release their first 8-track album.

First of all I want to give them my congrats for two of the usual reasons. The first one is that they recorded all songs by themselves in their rehearsal studio and only the master sessions took place in Grindhouse Studios. So it's a completely diy effort. But the most important reason is that they put it for free download on their website from the very first moment of its release.

Spine Chilling Breeze are moving in the beloved paths of stoner rock infused with bits from metal forms and a pinch of alternative atittude. In my opinion within these five months between their releases, they made an apparent progress both in their music's structure and their way of playing. Of course there are weaknesses but they successfully put out an at least decent and enjoyable work in a relatively short amount of time.

"Milky Way" starts with "Something From Nothing" a mid-tempo but heavy enough tune. I think they should have begun their album with a faster song though. The next three songs are my favorites and I'm always listening to them at once. "Losing My Insanity" (which was included in their promo too) has an amazing energy and it's their most dirty tune. Fast, aggressive and gritty. "Old Man" starts as a cool desert rock song where in its last minute it really takes off. I have to mention that I loved Achilles' guitar work in this one. Then "The Unhallowed" comes next, a really passionate track where Stavros' bass-playing abilities prevail.

"Pray For A Hangover" is a more slow-paced song but nevertheless it serves good while "You Know I Love It Dirty" (which has an awesome intro) speeds up a lot and it brings in mind something from QOTSA. I hope in its end someone passed a smokey to Vasilis...

"Sweet Heresy" is their longest song and while I like its repetitive structure, the addition of a few more effects would give it a completely different, spacey vibe that would fit great. Last track is "Murder" (since the self titled one that closes the album is an outro) and is the closest one to their metal side where it's clear that they've got a lot of potentials of mixing up their sound.

Comparing "Milky Way" with their promo, it's crystal clear that the guys worked a lot in order to make their songs more solid and powerful. Production is raw enough to please you but at the same time is letting everyone showcase his abilities. My only objection in "Milky Way" is the vocals. While Vasilis' voice sounds good in the more speedy parts like "Losing My Insanity" for example, when they slow down, he sounds weak. I like his "grungy", rawer moments but when it comes to melodic ones, his voice seems a little bit weird. Of course it's something that can be corrected with a lot of work and practice so the future is in his hands.

Other than that, Spine Chilling Breeze created a quality album where their ideas work fine, the playing is faultless (I personally enjoyed more the bass lines). Yes they need some work in a few parts but overall "Milky Way" pleases you and brings enough "noise" to make you a happy stonerhead. Well done!

Written by Thanos

01. Something From Nothing
02. Losing My Insanity
03. Old Man
04. The Unhallowed
05. Pray For A Hangover
06. You Know I Love It Dirty
07. Sweet Heresy
08. Murder
09. Milky Way

You can download "Milky Way" for free from the band's website.
Physical copies will be out soon.

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