Sunday, September 9, 2012

[Review] Sound Of Ground - Sky Colored Green

Sound Of Ground is a power trio from Moscow. While they're together as a band for two years now and already released two EPs, I've discovered them a while ago when I was looking for any updates on The Re-Stoned's new album in their label's website (R.A.I.G). These youngsters have just released their first album, "Sky Colored Green", featuring 11 songs (four of them were also in their second EP). And even if they're not making any kind of breakthroughs in our beloved stoner, they successfully manipulate a wide range of influences giving a lot of variety among their songs.

"Sky Colored Green" is like a compilation of the most enjoyable moments in the wider area of heavy rock, packed up and well-crafted with passion and affection. From the weedy psych stoner territory of "Lips Of The Ocean" and "Share" to the dynamic aggression of "Reboiled" and "R.H.S.", SoG generously offer us listening pleasure material.

Their punk-rock side is also showcased in "I Am" and the really short, fast-paced "El Caco". "You Can't Stop The Ship" is one of their more interesting songs where their freaky guitar is blazing and fuzz is burning your insides. "Sun Inside" is their longest tune which takes off after the first three minutes where it escalates in a kind of jamming performance. Ian's vocals (drummer and singer... how not to love them!) are close to grunge's style throughout "Sky Colored Green" but in their last track "Wings" are more obvious than anywhere else. Generally grunge is a basic influence and I think that sticks well whenever it's being "used".

"Sky Colored Green" is a cool, fuzzy stoner rock album. It's not one of the albums that you're really getting sucked into it but nevertheless it catches your attention for 50 minutes. Songs' variety works fine and the compositions are powerful too but I was constantly going like "Oh, that seems familiar. Yeah, it reminds me of...". Taking in consideration that we're dealing with a young band, it doesn't bother me really. They have plenty of time as well as passion and energy in order to evolve and come up with their own more personalized stigma. And that's why I'm going to keep an eye on these rebels. Enjoy the rocket-fueled fuzz ride!

by Thanos  

01. Intro (Demons In Me)
02. Lips Of The Ocean
03. I Am
04. You Can't Stop Our Ship
05. Reboiled
06. Share
07. R.H.S
08. El Caco
09. Sun Inside
10. The End Of 
11. Wings

Physical Needs: R.A.I.G.

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