Thursday, November 15, 2012

Covering Lost Ground Part 1: The Vintage Culprits

Since I was "away" for such a long time, I haven't posted about some really cool releases making their appearance and really rocked my socks off. Also I haven't settled somewhere permanently and I don't think I'll be able to cover them in single posts, I'll mostly concentrate in more underground stuff for the next few weeks, so I decided to make a series of posts just to mention these missed records (not that you're going to find something new because they're covered almost everywhere). So let's start covering some lost ground following vintage paths...

Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell - Don't Hear It...Fear It! 

Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell's debut album is definitely one of the best releases for 2012. A huge motor-prog, analogue beast ready to blow your fucking mind in a blink of an eye. Just praise them!

Captain Crimson - Dancing Madly Backwards

"Dancing Madly Backwards" along with the above mentioned "Don't Hear It...Fear It" are probably the top records (not only) of the kind  for this year. Captain Crimson offered us nine passionate compositions worshiping our dusted 70's heavy rock heroes but still producing a vibrant, fresh look back in time. These two albums in my opinion are far ahead from any similar release...

Orcus Chylde - Orcus Chylde

Orcus Chylde's debut is moving more in the proto-doom side of retro rock's wave following darker paths, injected with some psych and folk doses. These Germans gave extra attention to their compositions, making the result absolutely tasteful!

Graveyard - Lights Out

Honestly I don't have to write anything for this one. We all loved Graveyard from their two previous releases and with this one they proved us once again that they're a quality band. Slightly different than we were used to but nevertheless full of excellent moments.

Spiders - Flash Point

While still rooted in the 70's, Spiders draw a different direction following the steps of high energy punk'n'roll giants like MC5 and successfully added their personal touch in the vintage rock canvas. To be honest is one of the few times I really love female vocals. Good stuff!

Rival Sons - Head Down

Rival Sons are one of the most productive and at the same time talented bands today. Even if some of their moments are quite far placed from my usual taste, I have to admit that these guys rock. A different (many would say lighter in a way) dive in the past, deserving a lot of spins. I'm going to write it..they're far better from today's Black Keys.

by Thanos

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