Year: 2011
Hometown: Beringen, Belgium
01. 特別攻撃隊
02. Loris' Terrify Lab
03. Wardimir
04. Stab You Elf
05. Plumbing On Steroids
Long time no see... But I believe it's a good time to start rolling Downtuned's wheels... Slowly and steadily. For my first post after this long period of absence, I chose something really good and somehow "different". Obviously I'm a big stoner rock fan. And I love Melvins' and Butthole Surfers' challenging bizarreness. Sonic Youth never intrigued me but most of the times I enjoy bands which have them as influence (Yes quite a weird thing). Put all these together and you have 30,000 Monkies. Their debut EP hit me like a blast and I regret for not checking them out earlier (it was released last September). Fortunately Ruben came in touch and introduced me to their music. "Womb Eater Wife Beater" is a noisy, heavy, gruesome and psychotic gem, bringing a fresh, interesting and quite eccentric twist in our stoner rock. Name your price and get this fucker!
by Thanos