Monday, June 2, 2014

[Interview] Down with Landskap

Welcome to Downtuned
Tell us a few words about the group, when and where did you get started?
How did you meet?
Landskap formed in 2012 when George and me (Fred) left our native countries to go and live in the London area. We both wanted to start a new band and met one day in 2012 after we got in touch via an advert. We both shared a mutual interest in early hard rock and psychedelic rock, so we started jamming the week after that. We were soon joined by Paul on drums and continued like that for a couple of months, trying our various other musicians as well. After 6 months we decided the time was right to write some songs out of our jam sessions and Kostas joined us on organ to record our debut album. Soon after Jake joined us on vocals and that’s how we finalized our first recording. We have since released our debut album on Bandcamp for free and it’s now also available on glorious 12” via Iron Bonehead Productions.

Which are your musical influences?
Our musical influences are very broad, and they are a summary of listening to great music for 20-30 years. Our main influences are based on good riffs and atmosphere, the first names that come to my mind are Deep Purple, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Sir Lord Baltimore, Neu, early Kraftwerk, Jethro Tull, etcetera… We also source influences from more modern musical genres, and they might be harder to detect but we are very open minded.

What’s your lyrics about? What catches your interest?
The lyrics on I mainly deal with misery; I guess that what’s Jake used to write about. I’m not entirely sure what the context is and whether this will be a reoccurring theme but we’re happy with what Jake came up with.

Is the communication with the crowd something that you care about, in all levels, or do you do music for yourselves?
I speak just for myself here, but I believe it’s a very personal thing> I’m happy to appreciate our music and support us, and I’m happy to share my passion mainly through our music but also via other channels, but in no way would it ever influence the way I approach songwriting. We have been a bit overwhelmed with the good reactions to our music, which is great, but we all played in bands long enough to realize that we might just be the flavor of the day for some people.

Do you feel like you’re a part of a particular “scene” in which you would like to join and contribute or you are indifferent about it?
No, I don’t think we belong to any “scene”, and I’ll happily stay away from any scene rather than join it.

How do you imagine that the band will be in ten years from now?
That’s a tough one, who knows, I don’t know whether we’ll even still exist. Landskap is the main project for George and myself, but it’s a sideproject for the other bandmembers. We just come together to make great music and time wil tell where we’ll be tomorrow, next week or in 10 years…

Which famous artist you would like to do a guest to a record of yours and why?
I wouldn’t want to make any record with any famous artist, my experience tells me it would only turn into disappointment. We have a great line up as we are, that’s more than fine for me.

What plans do you have for the near future?
We’re playing our first gig on the 14th June in the Camden Underworld in London, and after that we’re planning to go and record our second album hopefully somewhere this summer.

We wish you good luck to whatever you’re doing, the epilogue is yours.
Thank you for your support, we really appreciate it!

by Kavaldi

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