Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fjodor: Help Needed For Filling Their Tour Dates In Greece

Fjodor, an instrumental psych rock band from Zagreb, Croatia, are going on tour on September and they're going to visit Greece too. They've already booked a gig in Thessaloniki on 19th of September and they seek help for booking two more shows, on 17th of September in Athens and on 18th in Larissa. So anyone interested or willing to help the guys, you can come in touch through:

Aljoša Reljić - fjodorband[at]gmail[dot]com 
Katarina Senjić - ksenjic[at]gmail[dot]com

Check also their tour dates below:
08.09. Cetinje (Mne) - Zetski Dom
10.09. Tivat (Mne) - Hostel Art Club Anton
11.09. Podgorica (Mne) - Montenegro Pub
FYR of Macedonia:
13.09. Kumanovo (Mk) - Wire Club
14.09. Skopje (Mk) - tba
15.09. Shtip (Mk) - Dom na Mladi
17.09. Athens (Gre) - tba
18.09. Larissa (Gre) - tba
19.09. Thessalonika (Gre) - booked(venue soon)!!!
20.09. Sofia (Bg) - booked(venue soon)!!!!
21.09. Nish(Ser) - tba
22.09. Belgrade (Ser) / with Temple of the Smoke - Dom Omladine

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